1 Day Workshop (live, in-person)
Short on time? No worries, sign up for a 1 Day Workshop! We have a few options to choose from: (1) Entrepreneurial Mindset, (2) Design Thinking & Innovation, (3) Digital Literacy & Social Media Use, and (4) Financial Literacy. These workshops are 4 hours and include your very own entrepreneurial notebook! You can learn more about our workshops here
Our workshops helps girls believe:
in the value of their ideas
that curiosity & risk-taking lead to positive outcomes
that collaboration with others as fun and rewarding
that innovation is accessible, engaging, and lively
it’s better to make mistakes than not to try at all
Contact us to bring a workshop to your school, community center, library, or community!
Short on time? No worries, sign up for a 1 Day Workshop! We have a few options to choose from: (1) Entrepreneurial Mindset, (2) Design Thinking & Innovation, (3) Digital Literacy & Social Media Use, and (4) Financial Literacy. These workshops are 4 hours and include your very own entrepreneurial notebook! You can learn more about our workshops here
Our workshops helps girls believe:
in the value of their ideas
that curiosity & risk-taking lead to positive outcomes
that collaboration with others as fun and rewarding
that innovation is accessible, engaging, and lively
it’s better to make mistakes than not to try at all
Contact us to bring a workshop to your school, community center, library, or community!
Short on time? No worries, sign up for a 1 Day Workshop! We have a few options to choose from: (1) Entrepreneurial Mindset, (2) Design Thinking & Innovation, (3) Digital Literacy & Social Media Use, and (4) Financial Literacy. These workshops are 4 hours and include your very own entrepreneurial notebook! You can learn more about our workshops here
Our workshops helps girls believe:
in the value of their ideas
that curiosity & risk-taking lead to positive outcomes
that collaboration with others as fun and rewarding
that innovation is accessible, engaging, and lively
it’s better to make mistakes than not to try at all
Contact us to bring a workshop to your school, community center, library, or community!
Please note that pricing is per student