helping girls believe in themselves
At Girl Gonna Launch, we are committed to helping girls build both confidence and competence. Research reveals that women often sell themselves short and that this confidence deficit compounds over time. We waste too much of our time and energy worrying about how the rest of the world sees & judges us.
Our workshops tackle this pernicious problem head on, helping girls build self-assurance and confidence so that they can succeed in school, in the workplace, and in entrepreneurship.
We know that lack of self-confidence translates into lack of confidence in starting a business. We coach far too many college students who tell themselves they can’t do it or convince themselves they won’t survive a failure. All of this negatively affects entrepreneurial self-efficacy and high-growth entrepreneurial intention of women entrepreneurs.
Girl Gonna Launch workshops address this long-standing confidence gap through resilience and mindset training as well as competency and skill building.
Build girls confidence and watch them go!